Welcome To Cornerstone!
Our Vision is to experience church like we read about in the New Testament, and our mission is to multiply and encourage healthy, life-giving churches. We value the presence of God and the power of the Gospel to change our lives. We believe in cultivating a spirit of fellowship, a culture of family, and are dedicated to the discipling and equipping of our members to do good works in Jesus' name.
Join us each Sunday morning at 9:30 am, located at 197 Cornerstone Lane in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
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LIFE Groups
At Cornerstone our vision is to experience church like we read about in the Bible; meeting together in the temple courts and from house to house. The LIFE group is the basic unit of the church and the setting in which we experience the house-to-house ministry we read about in the New Testament. A LIFE Group is a gathering of at least three people who meet regularly in order to cultivate relationships and grow together spiritually while reaching out to un-churched people in their spheres of influence. It is where the “one another” ministry of our church takes place.
Young Adults
C-YA’s mission, by the grace of God, is to provide a cove of connection, driven by biblical principles and Truth. We desire to fellowship intentionally through love; and encourage each other to whole-heartedly pursue Christ, regardless of the difficulties of life.
Children’s Ministries
At Cornerstone, our vision for children’s ministry is to provide a place for our children to learn what it means to have a relationship with Jesus, and to give them opportunities to choose to follow Him as their Savior and Lord. We also want them to learn about the Bible and apply what they learn to their lives. In addition, we want the children to build relationships with each other that can be strengthened as they grow together in the Lord. Our curriculum is balanced with times of teaching, Bible reading and learning Bible skills, and fun activities and games. Our teachers and helpers love the Lord and are committed to serving the Lord through serving the children and families of our church. If you’re interested in helping with children’s ministry in any way, please contact the church office.
Worship Ministries
At Cornerstone, we view our corporate worship service as a celebration and we believe that the worship team is a vital part of our Sunday morning celebration service. For us, our corporate worship service is not something to endure, but rather to enjoy.
Reality Youth
Welcome to Reality Youth! Real Teens, Real Faith, Real God! Senior High youth (grades 9-12) meet every first and third Wednesday evening of the month from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for food, fun, worship, and teaching! Junior High youth (grades 6-8) meets every first and third Sunday morning during the church service, which begins at 9:30 am. Reality Youth is open to young people in 6th through 12th grades. Come and join Reality Youth as we worship, have fun, and grow in God together!
We participate in missions locally and globally. Each congregation is encouraged to fulfill the Great Commission within their local sphere of influence. This may be accomplished through a variety of creative ideas. Many times cell groups (small group communities within the congregation) discern and organize ways to reach and serve others, or the congregation may plan corporate evangelistic events to cast their nets deep and wide.