Jesus gave the church clear marching orders when He said,
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).
Missions is the spiritual lifeline for the church. Imagine a deep-sea diver with an air hose to the surface. A church not committed to missions is likened to someone cutting a deep sea diver’s air hose below the surface of the water. Though not visible above the surface, it would only be a matter of time until life would end for the diver. Missions is a lifeline for churches as it keeps us mission minded and outwardly focused. Otherwise, we would become self-centered and run the risk of self-destructing.
We participate in missions locally and globally. Each congregation is encouraged to fulfill the Great Commission within their local sphere of influence. This may be accomplished through a variety of creative ideas. Many times cell groups (small group communities within the congregation) discern and organize ways to reach and serve others, or the congregation may plan corporate evangelistic events to cast their nets deep and wide.
HeartLink Network Worldwide
Globally we are active in sending our short term mission teams that partner with missionaries and/or mission agencies to impact the nations of the world. Our network has been involved in sending teams to such countries as Papua New Guinea, India, Albania, Chile, Nigeria, Mexico, Haiti, China, Thailand and many other places.
Giving to missions is another way for us to be involved globally. Below you will see a list of our current worldwide missions giving focus. Each September we encourage our network congregations to pray, discern and commit to participating in Faith Promise missions giving for a twelve month period. As we commit and seek the Lord during that time we experience God’s miraculous provision and the result is funding for our missionaries and partners on the field to extend God’s kingdom around the world.
Missions Giving Focus
Association of Cornerstone Networks International
Chile – Richard & Cata Latin
Ethiopia – Yonas & Rachel Seifu
India – Pradeep & Darina Moses
Montenegro – Jovica & Savka Bacvanski
Nigeria – Ephraim & Edith Ndife
Sri Lanka – Tyrone & Deepika Dias
Trinidad – Winston & Geta Mahibir
HeartLink International Missionaries
Liberia - Tailey Garley
HeartLink Network Missionaries
Middle East – Dennis Layman (Advancing Native Missions)
Bolivia - Tim Shenk
Papua New Guinea – Rick & Anji Zook (Ethnos360)
Vietnam – Undisclosed
Associated Missionaries
AIMS (Advancing International Missions Strategies) – Joshua Bold
Albania – Dini Shahini
Albania – Lezhe Academic Center
Bolivia – Digna Jimenez
Ethiopia - Pochi Seifu
Israel – Undisclosed
Jordan - Undisclosed
Kentucky – Kevin Rogers (Big Creek Missions)
USA – Dale & Kathy Mast (YWAM)
Unreached People Groups
Benin - Hausa
Eritrea - Eritrean Tigre
Iran - Persian
India - Gadaba
Mauritania - Moor
Nepal - Tibetan Bhotia
Nepal - Walang
Pakistan - Chhimba (Muslim Tradition)
Pakistan - Mochi (Muslim Tradition)
South Sudan - Sudanese Arabs
Turkey - Persians